The clearly laid out local map is the basis for any orientation. A local map is designed and customised according to your wishes. Each map can be customised - in terms of design, content and colour scheme. The incorporation of prominent buildings is possible at any time and offers scope for a wide variety of thematic content: Tourist or catering guides, cultural, sports and leisure activities, places of interest, recommended routes... Your wish list will be included in your city map. In addition to print products, you will of course receive the print-ready data set. This is suitable for all print products as well as for web presentations, apps, displays, etc.
All map contents are defined as vector graphics. This guarantees loss-free enlargement even to oversized formats. My customers naturally receive the comprehensive copyright and all data for their map.
Topographical, tourist, physical, political, thematic maps - whichever focus you require: the creation of the map for your region is always tailored to your needs. The topographical or physical map provides the basis for detailed and concise information. All thematic content can be customised according to your wishes. Thematic layers are always interchangeable. In new editions, for example, a completely different thematic emphasis can be incorporated. In addition to the full high-resolution data set, the customer naturally also receives the exclusive copyright to the visualisation.